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The tiniest medical grade connected solution for the prevention of neurological disorders.

Earbuds. Listening to the brain. Everywhere.

An EEG On the Go

Patients use our in-ear EEG headphones to listen to music, watch TV shows, on the subway at the office and even before bed. Our cleverly integrated sensors passively record the patient's electroencephalogram in real life.

Software Suite & AI Tools

The Software suite that simplifies the analysis of patients data, as if they were in the clinic.  

1 in 8 person in Europe will be affected by a pathology of the nervous system.

The Brain


Oxygen necessary for the functioning of the human body is used by the brain, which weighs only 2% of the total weight of the organism.


Nerve cells which make it a very complex organ to study and understand.

In the world


Persons suffering from neurological disorders.

In Europe


Persons suffering from neurological disorders.

In France


People suffer from Alzheimer's.

In France


People suffer from epilepsy, representing 1% of the population. It is the most common chronic neurological disorder after migraine.

Sources : OMS, EBC (European Brain Council), INSERM, Institut du Cerveau – ICM, FRC (Fédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau), UNAFTC (Union Nationale des Associations de Familles de Traumatisés Crâniens et cérébro-lésés), École des neurosciences de Paris.

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